The time has gone when only old rich men are dating with young girls. Today it is also seemed that well established old women are also dating with young handsome guys. Though Society does not like this trend but still it is growing properly. The question is why these mature women felt the need of cougar relationship or cougar dating. I think here you should remember that the woman whose age is 40 to 50 or above 35 is called cougar women if believe on cougar relationship. Here are some solid reason older women younger men dating.
Does not seemed satisfy in personal life
Some time it is seemed that a person is very successful in professional life but it does not mean he would also be successful in his personal life. May be he does not have such sort of successful relationship in personal life which he want. So for fulfilling this gap they are searching young women.
Same situation can also be happened with woman. Might be she is successful in professional life but not in personal. So for fulfilling this satisfaction these women starts searching young handsome guys for dating or spending some of their free time with them. I think this is one of the biggest reasons of cougar dating or cougar relationship.
Want to be young again
This is also one reason of older women younger men dating that these women want to be or seems like young women again. These women are probably in the age of 40 to 50 years. So when they enjoying the company of young guy of 20 to 25 years old. She goes back in past and wish to be like that again.
We people can easily understand this fact that every women or young girl never tells her true age. Always try to make this secret. Always want to look younger than her actual age. So when these cougars enjoying younger men companies than they also give their cent percent to look younger than actual age. This is also one of the major facts of cougar dating.
Equal rights for both men and women,
It is so strange that when an older men dating with young girl. Society easily accepts that. But on the other when an older woman wants relationship with young guys. Society does not accept that why? So this trend of older women younger men relationship or cougar dating shows that both men and women have equal right in society and every single person is free to do what he or she want. Equal distribution of right and duties is also a reason of this relationship.
Divorce rate or single women
Now days in everywhere in the world divorce seemed increasing with every passing day. This increase in divorce rate is also offers cougar relationship. Probably it is found that in older age men did not satisfied women. So for meeting this satisfaction woman takes the help of cougar dating.
These are some facts which forces women to go towards cougar relationship. Whatever if you are interested in cougar dating you should move towards online cougar dating sites?
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No matter what the age you have still you can make your life enjoyable and interesting. Probably it’s seemed that old men have young girls. But today trend has been changed. Older women younger dating has now days common. Infect I must say older women ( 40 to 50 ) are attracting more to young guys as compare to young girls. What you need to do simple is that you have an idea how to attract young guys. Here are some reliable tips you should adopts in your life if you believe on cougar dating.
Forget your age difference
If you are so conscious about you age that you are looking older. Forget this just keep enjoying younger guys companies and make it sure your look shows that you are confident about yourself and still you can join the young guy company.
Practice flirting habits
Keep smiling and always should give positive response to young guy. In this regard eye contact is most important. Gives message through your eyes that you are interested. In older women younger men dating this is easiest way of conveying your message. So keep practicing flirting skills.
Think about fitness and look
If you want to attract the young guy than remember that your appearance is so important. Take the help of proper exercises for making your body more attractive and fit. With proper exercises you should dress sexy clothes. It is the nature of young guys they like mature and attractive sexy women. Here remember that it does not mean that you should wear teenager’s clothes but those clothes which make you more attracting and gorgeous.
Don’t make him inferior
You have to give him confident to admire you or feel free whenever want to talk to you. You can do this by showing him that how interesting your company is and how much you stylish are. Whatever you do no need to feel him inferior or less intelligent than you. You should also praise him, his dressing, his hair style, his body and look; everything you felt should be appraisable. I am sure about that in response you also get positive feedback which would really a great for your cougar relationship or older women younger men dating purpose.
Don’t be boring
In cougar relationship this is also important your company should not be boring. Try to talk or discuss those matters which he likes to discuss. Also make it sure you should not talk about your ex friend or husband or about your children’s. Just appreciate him and encourage him to talk what he wants to talk or discuss.
Send him signals
If you are feeling that he likes you but hesitate to talk to you. Than this is your job to give him positive signals that you are also interested. For this purpose eye contact is best option but still he is hesitating than make it sure to talk and said him. Mostly young guy like confident women and you should. This is very much important in older women younger men dating.
Tips: Click here to visit the best cougar dating website online — CougarsMeet!
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There was a time when older men dating young girls. Though this trend is still growing properly but the new trend has also developed which is called cougar dating or older women younger men dating trend. Which is growing very fast with every passing day?
The question is why younger guys want older women. May be I think just because young guys like mature personalities as compare to unserious young girls. On the other this is also one question why older women want dating with younger men. The simple answer of this question is that women always likes handsome guys or you can also say old women wants young blood for their sexual satisfaction or may be some more. This trend of older women younger men dating going which way, no matter but it has some side effects or facts which can never be ignored.
Divorce rates are increasing
One of the biggest side effects of this trend is that it offering increase in divorce rate. As older men wants young girls, same now days cougars or older women also attracting towards younger guys. Mean to say if there are number of young girls there for old men than also remember that number of young guys there who want relationship with these cougars. This attraction results separation among number of old couples. This higher number of increase in divorce rate is not good for our society. I think this is the point about which our society should think once before going towards cougar’s relationship.
How society see this relationship
In older women younger men dating or relationship everything is open. There are no secrets. Every single person of society knows why both the parties join together. Simple is that these relationship does not likes though both the parties are sincere with each other and wants long life relationship. I think before going towards cougar relationship or dating I really consider you, you should think about this fact bit seriously. If you think that you can face the society than it will be possible for you otherwise you should not think about this relationship.
Maximum chances of failures of this relationship
The biggest disadvantage of this relationship is that there are bit smaller chances of a success in cougars dating. This is facts that young guys are handsome but problem is that these cougars are not on her peek stage of life. With every passing day their beauty are going to end. You can hold a guy for fewer time periods but I am sure when ever any attractive young girl will came his life, he will leave you. It is really thinking point before moving towards older women younger men dating or relationship. Mean to say the chances of reliability in this relationship are not much as compare to others. Remember that it is also seemed that old women also leave the relationship after attracting from another young handsome guy. Whatever results are? If you are happy to go with cougars dating than forget these facts and live your life happily as you want.
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With the passage time we probably seem that every relationship does not seemed strong as strong as it was before. Every time you need to make your relationship fresher and charming.
So just like other relationship cougar relationship also demands time and more care. Mean to say your relationship should be your first priority. Everything comes after your relationship. Here are some ways which can easily make your relationship alive for longer period of time.
· Your relationship should be your first choice
There are number of things happens our lives which demands a lot of time. So make it sure in your busy schedule there should be an enough time for your love. Everything is important but remembers that without love and fun life is nothing. So make it sure to keep some time for your cougar’s relationship though you both have a busy schedule in your lives. Especially Sunday is much suitable for this purpose. Whole of your time of weekend should go to your relationship. Your relationship should be your first choice.
· Remember the age difference
As in cougar relationship there is much difference of ages among partners. Probably woman seemed older than man at least 10 to 15 years. You should remember this fact but never use it again your partner. Mostly young guys like to listened loud music while your cougar did not like this. So according to see the age of your partners give them respect. You should have a caring personality if you want to alive your relationship for longer period of time.
· Solve your issues through discussion
In every relationship number of time a situation comes when you did not like some act of your partner. So in this crucial time mostly people trying to take the help of ignorance. I think here the better thing is that you should discuss you problem with your partner rather ignoring each other. Cougar relationship also demands the same behavior. Let’s suppose you did not like the music taste of your partner. Than what you need to do simple is that just communicate with your partner and discuss the issue you have from your partner. Every time you should make to solve any of your problems by discussing the matter rather than ignoring each other. It is really helps you to make your relationship more successful and alive for longer period of time.
· Go out on dates
It is not important that how much time you have already spend together. Going out on dates is really a fun and great way to keep the spark of your relationship. So dress up nicely and go out on watching movies or on dinners. It is really helpful for you for making your cougar relationship more charming.
· Compliments
This is also one great technique of making your relationship more interesting and strong. Tells your partner abut his/her looking. Appreciate your partner on regular basis. Tells your partner what makes your feeling special. Compliments also make the feeling of your partner more special and loving which is also good for your cougar relationship.
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The other name of older women younger men dating is cougar dating or cougar relationships. Cougar is specific term which used when older women wants relationship with younger men. These cougar probably mid between 40 to 50 years old or some time mid between 30 to 40 years old but whatever, wants dating with young guys especially young guys of 20 to 25 years old. This relationship called cougar relationship or cougar dating. Here are some special things which you should put in your mind for making cougar relationship.
Use of flowers
Like other women these cougar also likes flowers, whenever you are going to meet them or going on date with them than make it sure that you should have a fresh flowers for gifting her. It is make their feelings more special and romantic. It is my personal experience that cougar likes bouquet of fresh flower more as compare to loving SMS. And additional when you use a little loving paper with those flowers, it makes the moment more memorable. So in cougar dating or relationship or older women younger men dating you should consider it more.
Ignore to talk about marriage or children
Cougar relationship is never for whole life infects this relationship stands for less short period time. It is a relationship which gives benefits to both the parties. And after some time both parties end the relationship. So this should be in your mind while holding this relationship that no need to talk about marriage or children. Just ignore this topic and try to get fun as much as you can. It is aloe useless to think about purchasing house together.
Remember that it does not mean that this relationship is nothing. Number of time it is seemed that older women younger men relationship goes to whole life relationship. But it is in some exceptional cases. If you felt that your partner is much sincere with you, you can think about this way.
Give them respect and importance
Remember that these women always like those guys who show respect every time to them. Give them respect and importance also. You should use their experience in different matters of life. No need to hesitate just share your problem with her and asked about solution. These cougars also like this behavior. I think in older women younger men dating it will also a great tip towards making this relationship more successful and reliable.
Do not be possessive or jealous
No need to be possessive about any of her matter. No need to ask her what she is doing and why. Also forget the element of jealously. Cougars are well settled women of society which have great relationship to others. So some time it is possible that she want to spend some time with some of her old friend or spend a night with him. No need to be jealous or asked her why. Get her free and shows your confidence and trust. I think this is also one good technique which you should adopt in older women younger men relationship.
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As society is not accepting this trend but still with every passing day we are seeing that the trend of older women younger men dating is increased and increased. We can easily analyze that almost 90 % society does not like this trend. What do you think? Is it should be in society or not?
Research has proved that 70 to 80 % women want this sort of relationship. Especially 40 to 50 years old women wants this. On the other hand 50 to 60 % young guys are also seemed interested in cougars dating. Why this relationship should not exist in society though both the parties are willing to hold the relationship of older women younger men dating. Here I would tell you why this trend should be in society.
- For giving equality to both men and women
It is often seemed that society gives free hands to men to enjoy the company of younger women. Why this difference should be in society. Men have a right to enjoy relationship with younger women and also can have fun and careless sex with younger women to feel young again why? And why it should not for older women? I think both should hold equal rights and duties. If men can hold this sort of relationship than women also should have a right and women also taking it from us. Just because of this fact we are seeing that with every passing day the trend of older women younger men dating is increased.
Some people said that it is nothing just wastage of time and money. There are zero % chances of relationship to go for long time. I think it is useless to think either this relationship could be for long time or not?
If both the parties are willing to hold the cougars relationship than what is the problem? If society accepts this fact I am sure about there is nothing in the world which stops this relationship to go for long time just need to think positively.
As we know that mostly old women like to join the company of at least 10 to 15 years junior guys. Because they looking for a fun or may be desire the feeling how it would feel having young, attractive stud desire them. And young guy also want mature personalities that’s why this trend of older women younger men dating is still in the society and I believed can turn in to long term fair relationship easily.
- Singles or not satisfied women
This is also one reason of this trend that the husband of those women could not satisfy them nor cannot bear child. In this stage of life when we know that women sexual desire increased with every passing day and women want to get satisfaction with every mean and at every cost. And some time orphans or single women are also found in society. These single women also want attention. This is also one reason behind this that the trend of older women younger men dating found in society. In this world every single person is free to do everything which he/ she want and if you are interested than I am really considering you that online dating site are best in this regard.
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