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From day one to till today it is being seemed that older women younger men relationship always treated as joke? Nobody seemed interested in accepting these cougar relationships seriously. Everybody is just taking it as time pass or fun for little time. But remember as it is said that love has no eyes. Older women can also fall in the love of young guy or young guy also wants to spend whole of his life with older or cougar women. So what you need to do if you are in the love of older women for making this relationship more successful. Just apply these amazing things in your life if you want to make cougar date and relationship more successful.
Element of respect and importance should be there
It is also important that your likes and dislikes at once stage of your life become similar. If one likes traveling and other like to be at home or one like to watch movies and other want to sleep at 9 pm. than this relationship does not seemed will goes for long time. You should give respect to other likes and dislikes. No need to force your favorites to apply on them. Some time you should go according to their plan and some other should do. So when you give respect to other, automatically you take respect in response. So while holding your older women younger men dating or cougar relationship you should remember this fact.
There should not be the element of jealously
As cougars women have matured personalities. So mostly it is seemed that every single person either a young guy or old man want to close her. No need to be jealous here infect you must be proud that you have great attracting personality partner. So what you need to do just upgrade you standard and try to come on their level. So people will feel jealously after seeing such a nice couple. Here I am also telling you this can also happened with women. Cougars should consider this in their account. So when you both forget the element of jealously and make it sure to go join together after holding hand to hand than this shows that your dating or cougars relationship will goes for long time.
Don’t let money issues drive you apart
As cougars are well settled women of a society which not hold great social relationship but financially these women are also so strong. These cougars earning mostly thousands of dollars more as compare to you. No need to think how much she earning more or less than you. Remember that whatever she is earning, she is your life partner and nobody has great importance in her life as compare to you. Also no need to ask them where they are spending money just remembers that money will never be an issue in your life. Money is not everything; your love and relationship are much greater than money. Finally I must say when you these apply these things in your life it is become more easy for you to make your cougars relationship successful.

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